
State Partners

  • Illinois Bat Conservation Program
    • A statewide research, monitoring, and outreach program focused on the conservation and management of Illinois’s thirteen bat species. They conduct yearly surveys across the state to establish which species are present, where they are found, and where they reproduce.
  • Summer Bat Roost Monitoring Project
    • This project uses volunteers to collect information on the distribution, occupancy, and abundance of bat colonies throughout Indiana. Volunteers survey a roost on eight to twelve nights from mid-May to mid-July, where they count the bats that exit the roost and record weather information.
  • Acoustic Monitoring of Bats
    • Project personnel (including volunteers) use an ultrasonic bat detector and vehicle-mounted microphone to record echolocation calls emitted by bats in the environment while driving a predetermined route. They also place stationary bat detectors across the state.
  • Volunteer Wildlife Monitoring Program: Acoustic Monitoring Survey for Bats
    • The Volunteer Wildlife Monitoring Program in partnership with Iowa State University has established several vehicle survey routes in select counties for acoustic monitoring of bats. They are looking for volunteers who are willing to commit their time and personal vehicle to survey these predetermined routes.
  • Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation
    • They work to ensure the longevity of Iowa’s wildlife, including bats, by protecting natural areas for the animals and plants that call Iowa home, for the health of our water and soil and for the enjoyment of those who keep nature close to their hearts.
  • Bat Habitat Conservation Plan
    • The Lake States Forest Management Bat Habitat Conservation Plan (Bat HCP) was implemented 2023 in partnership with WI DNR, MI DNR, and MN DNR. Under this plan, the three states will support the recovery of the bat species and conserve bat habitat through the implementation of the Bat HCP.
  • Rare animal surveys: Bat surveys
    • The Minnesota Biological Survey conducts surveys and monitoring for bat populations across the state using a combination of methods including acoustic stationary and mobile transect surveys, colony counts at summer and winter roost sites, mist net surveys, and public bat reports.
  • Lakes States Forest Management Bat Habitat Conservation Plan
    • The Lake States Forest Management Bat Habitat Conservation Plan (Bat HCP) was implemented 2023 in partnership with WI DNR, MI DNR, and MN DNR. Under this plan, the three states will support the recovery of the bat species and conserve bat habitat through the implementation of the Bat HCP.
  • Bats and bridges
    • Minnesota Depart of Transportation biologists and bridge inspectors document which bridges are currently be used by bats to increase their understanding of how bats are making use of bridges throughout the state.
  • Ohio Bat Conservation Plan
    • This plan was developed by experts from multiple organizations located throughout the state to contain the most up-to-date information on bat management and conservation in Ohio.
  • Bat Acoustic Surveys
    • This acoustic project conducts mobile acoustic monitoring surveys to determine if the declines observed due to White-nose syndrome in winter bat populations in Ohio are consistent in summer populations. They use volunteers as a part of this effort.
  • Wisconsin Bat Program
    • This program monitors and manages bat populations in the state of Wisconsin through roost counts and acoustic monitoring. Much of their data is collected by citizen-scientists.
  • Lakes States Forest Management Bat Habitat Conservation Plan
    • The Lake States Forest Management Bat Habitat Conservation Plan (Bat HCP) was implemented 2023 in partnership with WI DNR, MI DNR, and MN DNR. Under this plan, the three states will support the recovery of the bat species and conserve bat habitat through the implementation of the Bat HCP.

Tribal Partners

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